A rotating selection of pictures
What's on for Week
22nd - 29th December 2024
Hand Check the upcoming events. Follow St Andrews on facebook. Follow St Andrews on facebook

St Andrew's update.
Please email any items for inclusion in Update to: update@standrewsbarming.co.uk by the Thursday before publication.

chalices.gif Sunday (Advent 4).
10:00 Advent 4 Children and Family service.


10:30-11:30 Creation of Christingles.
18:00-21:00 Slimming World in the Hall.
16:00 A Christingle Service with Carols.
An interactive service for children and all the family with a collection in aid of the Children’s Society.
17:30-21:30 Mar Thoma in Church and Hall.
23:30 Midnight Communion.
The traditional midnight communion service to celebrate Christ’s birth.


05:30-09:00 A Mar Thoma Service.
10:00->11:00 Christmas Morning Communion with Rev Anthea Mitchell, – bring a present to show everyone!

18:00-22:00 Private Hire.

tiddlers.gif 10:00-12:00 The Tiddlers, Mother and toddlers group is now closed until the new year.

chalices.gif Sunday (Christmas 1).
10:00->11:00 A Celtic Service with Rev Anthea Mitchel.

Grass Verge Parking
It is possible, with care, to park on the grass outside of the Hall.

The Vine Church Food Bank
The Vine is Now closed to recieve donations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 10:00 and 12:00. They still need donations of Food, Toiletries, clothing in good condition and sanitary ware (Nappies/wipes/disposal bags), but please nothing caustic i.e. cleaning fluids or sharps.
But you can still donate food items to the Blackthorn Trust via the collection box at the back of the Church.

We now have an additional facility at St Andrews. A "Tap and pay" unit dedicated to St Andrews. This is "as well as" not "Instead of" any method you use at the moment to donate to the Church. See Jim Lakeland for any queries as to use or how it works.

Support St Andrews via ContacTin Gift Aid
There are envelopes in the pews for use by those who wish to 'Gift Aid' their donation to the Church and are not part of our weekly envelope scheme.

St Andrew's Youth Fellowship
Stands for 'St Andrew's Youth Fellowship'. It is held on the first and third Sundays of the month and begins at 9am preceded by breakfast for those who want it.

cameraclub.gif As preparation for next year's 100th anniversary at St Andrews. Could you all look in your picture albums to find any old photographs of St Andrews. Either of the building or an event that happened there. We have the machinery to scan 35mm negatives or slides.

New Faces wanted
We have the following gaps in our array of things to make and do, Contact a Warden or the Vicar if you are interested.

Please note that all bookings and queries for the Hall should be addressed to Rev. Anthea Mitchell
Email: vicar@standrewsbarming.co.uk
Tel: 07764 587976

CLEANERS.gifChurch Cleaning
If anyone would like to join the Church Cleaning Rota which usually comes around about once every six weeks, please speak to Derek Gardner ( mail@janetgardner.plus.com ).

St Andrew's Church has a reputation for friendliness and warmth. We look forward to welcoming you to our services and social events. Please make a note in your diary of those that you find of interest. Tell us Of any events you want added to the Calendar and remember to check ahead for important dates.

If you wish to recieve the weekly notices by Email then please contact either James Lakeland (01622 752234) or a Church Warden for more details.

Copyright© Copyright
James lakeland