In 1856 a piece of land was conveyed, for the sum of £50,
from the Guardians of the poor of the Maidstone Union to the Reverend George Davey of
the parish of St. Peter, Maidstone.
This was to provide a site for a school for 'poor persons
to be taught in the principles of the Established Church'.
When the new West Borough Schools opened in 1907, the building
became the Heath Mission where Sunday services were held under the leadership of
Mr Stephen Ashby, a local butcher and Lay Reader.
Since then there have been 7 changes of incumbent and we have now become part
of the Benefice of St Andrew's Barming Heath with St Nicholas at Allington.
Looked after by a "Priest in Charge".
In 2020 The Benefice link to St Nicholas, Allington was dissolved and we were declared as being interregnum. However the Rev. Canon Liz Walker fomerly of the Rochester Diocese has taken us on board and holds a Parish Communion on the first Sunday of the month. We have a guest Vicar on the third Sunday and hold Morning Worship and Cafe church on the intervening Sundays.
In 2024 the Rev Canon Liz Walker was able to hand over the support of St Andrews to the Rev. Anthea Mitchell who has been licenced to serve as our priest for two days per week
The list is as follows: