Church Affiliated Organisations
No Smoking

St Andrew's Youth Fellowship
Stands for 'St Andrew's Youth Fellowship'. It is held on the first and third Sundays of the month and begins at 9am preceded by breakfast for those who want it.

Mothers' Union and Wives Group.
Third Wednesday of the month in the Church Hall 19:45 till 22:00

The Tiddlers Mother and Toddler Group. meets on Fridays from 10:00 till 12:00, £1.50 per Family

Church Choir.
Practices in the Church on Sunday Mornings 09:00 - 09:45.
Choirleader:- Prof. Andrew Williams

The Syrian Coptic Church hold occasional Services.

The Mar Thoma Congregation hold Services and Bible classes

Check out the Hall users in case there is something of interest for you.

Copyright Copyright James lakeland