"Can You
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maidstone.gif Help is needed at the Trinity Foyer.

Trinity Foyer is supported accommodation for young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who would otherwise be homeless.
For more than 12 years a group from St Luke's has been going into Trinity Foyer and running a weekly activity evening on a Thursday. The activities provide the young people with a safe, consistent place to come once a week and chat about anything they want to.

The staff are really supportive of what we do and as relationships between the volunteers and the residents develop we have the opportuinty to share our faith. Activities are always very simple- from games to simple craft such as card making to baking.

We are need of more volunteers and someone/a group of people who feel they would be able to lead the team to enable this ministry to continue.

It can seem a daunting prospect but the young people are open, honest, fun loving and hugely grateful and respectful of those going in each week. Without additional help this ministry will come to an end.

If you feel you might be interested please contact Jen Beardsley (jcbeardsley@gmail.com) or Rev. Chris Key at St Luke's(revchriskey@gmail.com)