May-2018 "
Dates and times are
subject to confirmation
in the weekly notices.
Easter cross

Nine Days of Prayer 10-19 May, 2018
Using the colourful images by artist Adam Boulter, the whole Diocese will wait and pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Crossroads of faith
Biblical stories in contemporary images show people at crossroads of faith. These familiar characters need to decide which way to live, to love, to travel, to believe, to see God anew in the journey they are on. These images and their stories will be the springboards for our Novena prayer.

Booklets are available
For this period of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost at the back of church. They are very thought provoking and useful for daily reflection and prayer.

Easter Snippets

easteregg1.gifEaster Sunday is always on the first Sunday after the full moon that falls on or after March 21st.
easterbunny.gifThe Anglo Saxons called Good Friday 'Long Friday' because they fasted on that day.
easterdance.gif Morris dancing on Easter Sunday is intended to frighten away the spirits of Winter.