St Andrew's Barming Heath
Planned Giving

I wish to make a commitment to give to St Andrew's Church, Barming Heath. 

£ ...........   per week / month

Please send me details of the 'Envelope scheme for regular giving.  square.gif

Please send me details of how I can make my gift by Standing Order.  square.gif

Name   ...............................................................

Of .................................................................................

Post Code .................


I authorise St Andrew's Church to recover the Income Tax on this planned giving and any other donations I may make from now on. I confirm that the Income Tax / Capital Gains Tax I pay will be equal to the tax reclaimed on these donations.

Signed...........................................................   Date.................................

Please notify St Andrew's church if you change your address.

We would like to thank you for your gift.

Please send a signed copy to The Rev B Reed, St Andrew's Vicarage, 416 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone, Kent. ME16 9LW Tel. 01622 726245

Copyright Copyright James Lakeland