Registration is open for applications
Enrolling yourself makes you a voting member of the Church of England ensuring
that your opinion is carried forwards via the P.C.C. to the Deanery Synod, the Diocesan Synod,
and thence to the General Synod of the Church of England.
This keeps the church in touch with it's members at all levels and is your opportunity to take part in the
decision making procedure, be it on doctrine, services or finances.
The Electoral Roll of St Andrew's is now open for applications.
If you wish to vote at the Annual General Meeting (6 April 2025) you need to be on the Electoral Roll.
The Roll is being completely renewed this year which means that, even if you have been registered before,
you still need to complete a new form.
Forms can be found at the back of the church (on Sundays) or from our Electoral Roll Officer,
Doreen Larkin and must be returned to her by Sunday 16 March 2025.
NOTE that the APCM is on on 6th April 2025 after a short service at 10:00
You may need to complete a Data Protection form if you have not already done so to enable the Church to hold your information