March / April - 2024 "
Dates and times are
subject to confirmation
in the weekly notices.

All services are at
St Andrew's Barming Heath
Easter cross

Ash Wednesday 14/02/2024
19:30 Parish Communion with Ashing.

prayer.gif Mothering Sunday 10/03/2024
10:00-11:00 A Mothering Sunday Service led by St Andrews Mothers Union. Posies will be distributed and there will be refreshments after the service..

prayer.gif Sunday 17/03/2024
10:00-11:00 Parish Communion Service with Rev. Julian Waite.

palm.gif Palm Sunday 24/03/2024
10:00 A Family service with Rev. Canon Liz Walker, during which Palm Crosses will be blessed and distributed.

Good Friday 29/03/2024
10:20 Procession of Witness: Starting at the bottom of the High Street and followed by a short open air service.
14:00 Good Friday Watch on the Cross.

Easter Eve 30/04/2024
16:30 Decoration of the Church for Easter.

Easter Sunday 31/03/2024
Flower picture
10:00-11:00 Family Service with shortened Communion.
Followed by an Coffee and Chit Chat.

2nd Sunday of Easter 07/04/2024
10:00 Parish Communion Service Celebrant:Rev. Canon Liz Walker

Easter Snippets (Click here to see some Easter related facts).

easteregg1.gifEaster Sunday is always on the first Sunday after the full moon that falls on or after March 21st.
easterbunny.gifThe Anglo Saxons called Good Friday 'Long Friday' because they fasted on that day.
easterdance.gif Morris dancing on Easter Sunday is intended to frighten away the spirits of Winter.

Copyright© Copyright
James Lakeland