Dates and times
of items
are subject
to confirmation
in the weekly notices.

  The Vicar and people
  of St Andrews Barming Heath
  Wish you a Happy Christmas
  and a peaceful New Year.
Nativity Nativity

The Bower Grove School Advent Wreath

Christmas 2023.jpg

advent.gif chalices.gif Sunday 01/12/2024
10:00 Parish Communion. for all ages with the opportunity to think about what lies at the heart of Christmas and plan new ways to prepare for it.

Friday 06/12/2024
19:30-21:00 Seasonal songs and readings in church and Hall.

Saturday 07/12/2024
09:00->15:00 A Mar Thoma gathering in church and Hall.

advent.gif chalices.gif Sunday 08/12/2024
10:00->11:00 An Advent Family Service.

Sunday 15/12/2024
chalices.gif 10:00 Parish Communion with Rev. Anthea.
carols.gif 18:30 Carols by candlelight followed by refeshments in the Hall.
Enjoy your favourite Carols and after the service stay behind for mulled wine and mince pies!

advent.gif chalices.gif Sunday 22/12/2024
10:00->11:00 Children and Family Service.

Tuesday 24/12/2024
chalices.gif 16:00 A Christingle Service with Carols.
An interactive service for children and all the family with a collection in aid of the Children’s Society.
17:30-21:30 Mar Thoma in Church and Hall.
chalices.gif 23:30 Midnight Communion.
The traditional midnight communion service to celebrate Christ’s birth.

chalices.gif chalices.gif Wednesday 25/12/2024
05:30-09:00 A Mar Thoma Service.
10:00->11:00 Christmas Morning Communion with Rev Anthea Mitchell, – bring a present to show everyone!

chalices.gif Sunday 29/12/2024
10:00->11:00 A Celtic Service with Rev Anthea Mitchel.

Tuesday 31/12/2024 21:30 till 01:00 on 01/01/2025 Mar Thoma in Church and Hall.


St Andrew's Church has a reputation for friendliness and warmth. We look forward to welcoming you to our services and social events. Please make a note in your diary of those that you find of interest. Tell us Of any events you want added to the Calendar and remember to check ahead for important dates.

If you wish to recieve the weekly notices by Email then please contact either John Sweetman (01622 728233) or a Church Warden for more details.

Copyright© Copyright
James lakeland